I am going to take a break from reading books of the Bible or other books, and share some of the experiences that I have had that shape my thinking of Christianity.
We are all shaped by the experiences of our past. I am no exception. These experiences shape the way we think about everything, including our faith. Everyone has faith. Perhaps your faith is in God. Maybe your faith says that God does not exist. It is still faith, because regardless of your evidence, you cannot know for certain. You could be a staunch believer in evolution, the big bang, etc., that still does not prove that there is no God. Perhaps your faith is in many Gods or in the spirit world. Whatever your faith is in, your experiences shape not only what you believe, but how that belief affects you.
My experiences are just that, my experiences. Some are positive, some are not. They still have an impact. My purpose in sharing is at least two-fold. One is for me to reflect on the past and its influence on my belief system. The other is to perhaps share with others who may have had a similar experience to one or more of my experiences. Perhaps they might not feel they are alone in their experience, as I often do.
So here goes...
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