Monday, March 2, 2020

A Word to the Wise...Matthew 7:15-23


Matthew 7:15-23


While these verses contain two thoughts, I believe they are very connected. The first in a warning to beware of false prophets. So to go back to verse 1 of Chapter 7, let me pose this question: How can we not judge others, yet beware of false prophets? Does not discerning what is false involve judgement? Of course it does. He even gives the means to determine if they are false, Jesus says "You will recognize them by their fruits." (Vs 16) If we interpret fruits to be actions, specifically behavioral actions, then we are to judge. Again, I am not sure that we are the ones to judge the ultimate fate of the individual, but if their actions are not in line with the Spirit, then red flags should fly. Verse 19 seems especially harsh, saying that such trees are cut down and thrown into the fire.

Do not cheer at that statement. Remember, "with the judgement you pronounce you will be judged." (Vs 2) Pray for such people. Warn others of such people. But you are not God's lumberjack, set to determine which trees fall and which stand.

Now to the second section. I have heard people refer to this section as a very scary section of Scripture, and I believe it is. How is it possible that some will call Jesus Lord, and not enter the kingdom of heaven? How is it possible that some will prophesy in his name, and even cast out demons in his name, and not enter into the kingdom of heaven? Could I be one of these people?

The short answer is, yes, I could be. But the important question is, who are these people? Again, look at the context of the entire message, starting with the beatitudes. So here are some points by which you might examine yourself, and if you fall short, look at how you might grow in these areas.

  • Are you "poor in spirit?" Are you humble, meek, or do you have to be the king and have it your way?
  • Do you desire to be righteous? 
  • Are you merciful, or is revenge a dish best served by you?
  • Do you suffer for the sake of the kingdom? Do you rejoice in your suffering?
  • Does your light shine in such a way that God is glorified in what you do?
  • Does your righteousness exceed that of the scribes and Pharisees? In other words, is it a matter of head and heart, or are you just exercising your faith enough to avoid the punishment of hell without a heart that loves God?
  • Do you turn the other cheek, go the extra mile, give and lend to those in need?
  • Do you love your enemies, and not just those who love you?
  • Do you give without needing to be recognized for it?
  • Do you forgive others without needing their forgiveness first?
  • Do you lay up your treasures in heaven, or are they here on earth?
  • Do you worry worry about things you have no control over?
  • Are you the judge and jury for God's kingdom?
  • Do you treat others how you would like to be treated?
Wow! That's a tough list. One which we all fail at to varying degrees. But it is not a test, and this is where the message of the gospel is key. One that Jesus will delve into deeper as He concludes the message. Spoiler alert, on what foundation is your house built? More on this in the next post.

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