Friday, June 20, 2014

Here I come to save the day!

Our worship services must make clear that we cannot do what needs to be done, that the pastor is incapable of transforming or persuading or bringing people from death to life.

Chandler, Matt; Geiger, Eric; Patterson, Josh (2013-11-26). Creature of the Word: The Jesus-Centered Church (p. 220). B&H Publishing Group. Kindle Edition. 


I still think back to our last Sunday School class, about being a good neighbor and setting boundaries. It seems that so much of the topic focuses on us and what we do. As if our actions can "save the day." Or at least save Sweet Polly Purebread.

That is not the truth, and it is not what we should be teaching, is it?

Yes, we should be good neighbors. But what about the good neighbor who is not a Christian? How are we different than them?

When we gather, should it not be to see Jesus, and what he has done for us? Should it not be to fall at his feet in gratitude, so that as we leave, we are refueled to do what is a crazy, counter-intuitive way of life?

Or, we could just set some boundaries.

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