Tuesday, June 24, 2014

I'll have a side of Floundering

The Church will thrive despite the floundering of some churches.

Chandler, Matt; Geiger, Eric; Patterson, Josh (2013-11-26). Creature of the Word: The Jesus-Centered Church (p. 236). B&H Publishing Group. Kindle Edition.

The church will thrive because Jesus said it would. He said it would prevail against the gates of hell. But he
did not say that about me. He did not say that about my specific church.

Some will flounder. Some will fall. But God will not. None of those given to Jesus will fall, except the one who was destined to fall, Judas.

This is humbling. It makes me want to work out my salvation with fear and trembling. There are no guaranteed tickets. No prizes inside the chocolate bars ala Willy Wonka.

Floundering does not always mean failure. Peter floundered. A lot. Floundering is not the end. God is in charge, and he will help those whom he has called.

My prayer is that he has called me.

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