Saturday, August 3, 2019

Music can soothe the soul

One of the things that really draws me to the heart of God is a good song. Chorus or hymn or single, music touches me in a way that nothing else does.

But if I am going to expose my heart and soul to the lyrics of a song, and if I believe that doctrine is important to me, should I not be taking a more critical look at what I am taking comfort in? I believe that answer is yes.

Take my last post for example, I commented on a sermon snippet that someone had posted from Joel Osteen. Their comment was, "Love this!" And while I agreed with some of what it said, and wanted to believe all of it, I found that some of the statements made were not able to be backed by the Bible. That some of it was Prosperity Theology that seems like tickling men's ears rather than the truth of the gospel. At least it is when viewed in the context of his ministry.

So what about the songs I find that soothe my soul, that pick me up when I am down. I am going to start to look at them a bit more critically. Hopefully, I will find that they are solid and worthy of listening to. Maybe sometimes I won't. My goal is to take an honest look, to ask questions (because sometimes I may be misinterpreting something), and to present a point of view based upon what I believe.

So many choices, I wonder where I should start!

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