Thursday, August 1, 2019

Tweaking the Gospel

Content from a Joel Osteen sermon (bold type) that came across my Facebook page...

Will you be a Hosea and go after the hurting, go after those that are addicted, those that have been written off by society? Not with your finger pointed in judgment, telling them what they're doing wrong, go after them with something more powerful, with love, with mercy, with the goodness of God. They don't deserve it, neither did we. While we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. You've been shown incredible mercy. I'm asking you, show that mercy to others. Be a Hosea.

Let me say that had the content stopped here, I would have no problem with a word of it. We should show mercy, and the reason for us showing mercy is because we see the incredible grace and mercy God has shown to us. It is the following text that I take issue with...

If you'll do this, I believe and declare, as you lift others up, God is going to lift you up. As you rescue somebody else, God will always have somebody to rescue you and your children. The seed you sow will come back to you, In Jesus's name, and if you receive it, can you say Amen today?

This is where he loses me. Because now, instead of my action being a response to the grace and mercy God has already given me, I am now doing it for the future gain God will give to me because of my behavior. Is this the pattern we see every time in the Bible?

Did Paul suffer so many things for the promise of rescue? What did Stephen do that caused God to not rescue him from stoning? What about Uriah the Hittite? He did everything right from what is recorded in the Bible. The list goes on...

I want to believe this. I want to believe I can appropriate God's mercy through what I do, that I can facilitate his healing through my faithfulness. Problem is, I don't see it that way in life or in the Scriptures.

Truth is, I should believe and behave as I do because of what God has done, past tense. Period. If God wants to show me more grace and mercy, wonderful. If I must suffer for the gospel, I am okay with that as well. God has already rescued me through the cross, he does not have to do it again.

Joel, the gospel is enough. It does not need your tweaking to make it more appealing. Because once you add to the gospel, you are no longer preaching the gospel.

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