Friday, February 14, 2020

Lights of the World


Matthew 5:14-16


Just as with salt, we could look deep into the subject of light, and draw many interesting analogies. But what is the purpose of this teaching?

Again, let's look at what kind of things Jesus said at the beginning of the Sermon on the Mount. Things that speak of the different perspective that His followers should have. Humility, mercy, mourning, meekness, purity, and even the ability to experience joy in the midst of suffering and persecution. Things that are out of the norm for much of society. Things that would stand out in a world that seeks the comfort and pleasure of self. Things that would stand out like light in darkness.

Jesus said we are the light of the world. Without any light, the world would be in utter darkness, wandering aimlessly. Imagine a world with no real mercy, purity, humility. A world with no joy. A lights, we illuminate the character of the God who created the universe. As lights we cannot be hidden. As lights we should shine.

But darkness does not love the light. Ever been in a dark room for an extended time? Even a normal light seems bright, causes us to shield our eyes from it, seems irritating. We should not be surprised when others are irritated by our actions. They are counter-intuitive to them. But we must remember what our purpose is, to let them see our good works, so that they might glorify God.

This says something our the how and why of our works that cannot be dismissed. We are not doing good works for the sake of doing good works. We are not doing good works to shine the light on our own goodness. Our works are works that glorify God. They are done for the joy we find in who God is.

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