Friday, January 31, 2020


I have currently stopped reading the book, Respectable Sins by Jerry Bridges. Here's why:

As I read this book, he keeps calling the emotions sin. Anger is sin, discontentment is sin, anxiety is sin, and so on. But to me, it is not the emotion that is sin, but the way that we respond to it.

Sometimes, God is portrayed as angry. Is He sinning? No, for God does not sin. Does that mean that different rules apply to Him? No.

I don't want to feel guilty for experiencing God-given emotions. But that is the result if I keep hearing that the sin is the emotion. Can we stop from being angry? If we see someone murdered or abused, should we not feel anger? If someone sneaks up on us, should we not feel anxiety or fear?

So at this point, my choice is to stop, even though this book has made some excellent points and I have learned from it. Maybe it is something I will come back to later.

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