Sunday, January 19, 2020

Context of the Gospel

Back again. Took a hiatus while I recovered from a couple of surgeries (knee and hip replaced).

Back to Respectable Sins by Jerry Bridges.

The first direction is that we should always address our sin in the context of the gospel.
Bridges, Jerry. Respectable Sins (p. 41). NavPress. Kindle Edition. 

Okay, so let's talk about what the gospel is for a moment, because although this word is often used, I think it has different meanings to different people. To some it is a formula. 5 steps, Romans Road, etc. It is something we do or a plan we follow to accomplish the goal of heaven. Not to me.

The gospel is the good news that Jesus has paid the full price for my disobedience. If I understand that, and if I repent (another word that is often used, and perhaps has many different meanings as well), my debt is paid. Repentance being that the good news of the gospel penetrates my heart, and I begin to live with a new focus in my life, surrendering the "me" and loving and living for Him.

So, the context of the gospel is not about stopping sinning, as if that is just another step in the process. It is about the reason behind the stopping. The context of the gospel is that my debt has been paid, and I now life for Christ. So I address my sin because of what Christ has done, and not focused on the sin as a obstacle to be overcome.

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