Thursday, January 23, 2020


I am currently reading the book, Respectable Sins by Jerry Bridges.

This chapter (9) deals with discontentment. 

I find it interesting that he feels there is a place for discontentment in the life of the Christian, but not fear or anxiety. Yet all of these are God given emotions or reactions to situations that God has placed in our lives.

I agree that discontentment can lead to sin, but I struggle with the idea that discontentment in itself is sin. Discontentment should lead to a critical evaluation of our situation. Wallowing in discontentment is not a good or appropriate response. 

I think that sometimes we think that God wants us to blindly accept whatever He lays before us with a smile painted on our faces. I disagree. I think God is okay with our questions. I think He enjoys it when we lay our burdens before Him. Not in a sadistic way, but because He loves us and wants us to interact honestly with Him. The author mentions Job. Job was a man who had it all and lost it all. What a short book it would be if Job had just painted on a smile and accepted it. But Job struggled, even argued with God. And Job grew through that process. 

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