Monday, May 11, 2020

When Confusion Reigns (Matthew 26:47-56)


Matthew 26:47-56


The disciples thought they knew what was going on. They had seemingly resigned themselves to going with Jesus, even if it meant death. All except for Judas, of course. So after falling asleep while Jesus prayed, Jesus comes to wake them, telling them he is about to be betrayed. Enter Judas and a crowd with clubs and swords. Judas approaches Jesus and kisses him, a sign to the others who is the one they are after. They approach and seize Jesus. Here is where it gets awkward.

One of the men with Jesus pulls out a sword and cuts off the ear of the High Priest's servant. The battle is on, and it is a fight to the death. But wait, for Jesus tells him to put the sword away. What!?! Not only that, but according to Luke's version, he even healed the man's ear. How are you going to win a battle when Jesus keeps healing the enemy! How confused they must have been. So when the soldiers lead Jesus away, they flee.

Imagine the agonizing hours and then days of confusion that must have followed. We thought we were supposed to fight and even die with Him if necessary, but He stopped us and went willingly, talking about how this had to happen so that Scripture would be fulfilled.

Ever get confused like that? You think that God has one thing in mind in a situation, but it takes a whole different path. Does that mean that God is not in control? Of course not, it just means that our expectations were not in line with His. But that is hard to accept, because we were so sure of the path things would ultimately take. Reminds me of Garth Brooks song, "Unanswered Prayers."

I think it has a lot to do with expectations and faith. Not the prosperity gospel idea that God did not give us the answer we wanted because we did not have enough faith, but the idea that God is in control and we knows where He wants things to go. I recall a trip I made with my did many years ago. As we got in the car, I asked where we were going. He responded, "You'll find out when we get there." You know what? He was right.

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